Home » 2023 » October » 5 » 5.10.2023

As part of equipping my home laboratory, I bought myself such a miniature power source from Aliexpress. 5V x 30 A are squeezed into dimensions of 185x100x78 mm and weight less than 700 grams! The control potentiometers also have a push action, so that each digit of current and voltage can be adjusted separately. There is nothing superfluous in the kit - a power cord and two banana-crocodile cables are what you need, I love minimalism. Such an animal costs less than 30$.

I received it today, tested (nothing heats up even at maximum power, limitations work, accuracy is normal) and decided to order a couple more.

Views: 202 | Added by: Eugen | Tags: accelerator, electromagnetic, gauss gun, Launcher, coil gun, coilgun, gauss-gun, gaussgun | Rating: 5.0/1
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