As promised, I posted the latest (at least for the near future) video on the "shoker" theme, which touches on interesting aspects of working with HV transformer. It should be interesting for "advanced" shocker-builders, laser shooters and railgunners. Enjoy watching!
Two parts of the video added to my channel, describing construction of electroshok device of orginal scheme (only in Russian, use subtitles if desired). Nice viewing! |
This year begins with encouraging news. The Accelerator Table was replenished with two bench-type models at once: EMA-5 and ЩУМ-191. Generally speaking, bench devices are a bit off-top for the Table, where I try to add only portable samples of Gauss-guns. But here it's worth it, since the second of the models, ЩУМ-191, has absolutely record-breaking projectile velocity parameters - 191 m/s on a 7 mm iron projectile. Moreover, a speed of 203 m/s has been achieved on a permend ... Read more » |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! |
The second part of the series about Electroshokers added to my YouTube. Nice viewing!
A new series (most likely, of 3 parts) set on my YouTube channel, dedicated to Electroshok devices (ESDs,stun guns, conducted energy devices tasers etc). This is a little off-topic for my site, but I have been intetersted in this theme for so long time that decided "to put my thoughts on a paper" at last. The first video describes the requirements and parameters of ESDs. Nice viewing! |
Development of the saturation current meter in its normal form is completed - on an industrial PCB, in a more compact and accurate layout. The current-sensing resistors are now made in two (and not three, as previously) ranges - 20 mOhm and 1 ohm. Switching between the ranges is carried out by a button and indicated by a red LED. ... Read more » |
Finally, I finished a video discussing an important topic - the role of power supply voltage in electromagnetic accelerators. In addition, I'm demonstrating there a special "two-shoulder" circuit for obtaining double HV voltage on series-connected batteries of electrolytic capacitors. The video editing began in the summer, as there is a reservation in the introduction :) Have a nice viewing to everyone!
New small video describing Excel calculator for UCx84x-based capactor chargers added to my YouTube-channel.
Tom Stanton has developed an interesting multistage catapult accelerator for launching aircraft models. This is the second example of his authorship for such applications. In the first one, the standard method for coilguns was used to accelerate a ferromagnet (in this case, a permanent magnet) with a chain of coils, now the original scheme is applied with acceleration not of a magnet, but of a coil in a field formed by a chain of fixed magnets. This construction attracted my attention, because I myself have been thinking a lot in this direction lately. Perhaps I will release a new video on this topic soon... ... Read more » |